What is "Augmented Playgrounds"?

Also known as "Real Life Video Game". Bringing traditional video games into the real world, whether through somatosensory or physical device interaction, will make you feel like you are playing in "reality".

Also known as "Real Life Video Game".

Bringing traditional video games into the real world, whether through somatosensory or physical device interaction, will make you feel like you are playing in "reality".

What is "Augmented Playgrounds"?

First, let's understand the common definition of AR (Augmented Reality): the projection of virtual objects into the real world with instant interaction.

Today, AR (Augmented Reality) seems to have a slightly different definition for the public. It's necessary to use devices such as mobile phones, tablets or smart glasses to merge virtual objects and the real world through lenses together.

Also, there's some concept like Projected AR from the company: LightForm. It shows all the virtual objected though projectors.


However, the definition of AR seems insufficient to precisely describe what we create.

Luxmin can use projectors, holograms, light bars, screens, various types of contact and non-contact technologies to perfectly synchronize and integrate, just like the virtual world jumping out and becoming a reality.

We called it "Augmented Physical World" or "Augmented Real Life" as well.

And... what on earth is "Augmented Playgrounds"?

Also known as "Real Life Video Game".

Bringing traditional video games into the real world, whether through somatosensory or physical device interaction, will make you feel like you are playing in "reality".

The Difference with the Arcade?

The main difference would be "scale".

"Augmented Playgrounds" could be large or small. It could be as small as an arcade machine, as large as entire city, or even the whole world.

But for us, the main distinction is: shared experience and freedom.

The limits of arcade machines are that they can only be placed in the specific area with simple interaction.

But "Augmented Playgrounds" can be implemented to any space. It is so free to modify by the space. Also mix multiple interactive modes is available.

Like our past work:Dinosaur Game.

It is cooperated with school, and placed at the elevator entrance on the 10F of the library, so that students and teachers who passed by can experience and play it.


The Advantage of "Augmented Playgrounds"

Childhood, everyone played games in the physical world, such as Hide and Seek, Kick the Can, Hopscotch, Red Light Green Light.
After growing up, games entering the virtual electronic world, whether it is an arcade, a home video game console, or a PC, let people get into the world of small machine boxes and follow the rule it set.

Even if it's still able to play with others through the online connection, it's completely disconnected from reality.

And we bring video games to the physical real world. It encourages people to cooperate, interact with each other, and thinking about how to be better with creative ways. At the same time, creating the beautiful memories with people.


"Augmented Playground" keeps the benefits of realistic games and sports, also merging many of the advantages of video games, making it become a unique genre.


The Benefits of Realistic Games and Sports

  • Improve physical flexibility
  • For good health
  • Psychological stress relief
  • Direct interpersonal interaction

The Benefits of Video Games

  • More direct feedback
  • Enhance ability of learning
  • Improve speed of judgment
  • Improve concentration, memory, and responsiveness
  • Boost your brain power

Not like sports, you may need to get started slowly through day to day training. Video games are relatively simple to get started, to be easier understand and enjoy them for everyone.

Wrap Up

With the evolution of various new technologies, interactive applications and multimedia content, it is possible to make video games leap out of the virtual world and allow more people to enjoy them in physical reality.


The types of video games are growing up under the virtual world which is almost unlimited, it evolved theVarious of video game genres.If we can bring it back to the physical world, it would definitely enrich the physical real-world games.

Metaverse is a virtual world for everyone to escape into it, and we, Luxmin, want to bring the future back to the physical world, let technology embrace the world we live in and make it better and better.

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